Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Fundamentals of Anti-Game

This disclaimer comes with a disclaimer: I am not a player and I have never pretended to be, or been labeled as one. In fact I'm a super dork and that is why this works, and honestly, it all comes down to one thing; honesty.


To understand anti game you must first think about what game is. A good friend once described game in this way: "Game is whenever you do something because of how you think the other person will react." very true and very simple. The repercussions of this statement are immense. This means that every time you put on your clothes and wonder "Will this make me look hot?" or "Do I look like a dork?" you are playing the game. Every time you say something that you think someone else will find interesting but you don't you are playing the game. Every time you raise your hand in class without a question you don't already know the answer to, game. Every question a lawyer asks a question she'd better damn well be playing the game (but that's a whole different thing). You get the idea. Doing anything because of how you THINK someone else might react is game. And game is BULL.

So Anti-Game is NOT the absence of game, it is the opposite and actively opposite of game. It exists because of game (and is therefore inherently flawed - we'll get to that later). Anti game is best described in examples and there is a range of examples...

Example 1 courtesy of Br. Alexander B.; "I insult a girl so much that if I EVER say anything nice to her she feels special." this is a classic case of taking it to far and being downright rude. There are girls that will go for this and they tend to be very self destructive. I do not condone this at all.

Example 2; Say crazy things that you really believe. "I like your sleeves." from Napoleon Dynamite is a great example. He is totally anti game (and borders on the next level... later! later!)

Example 3; Don't care. Really, don't care about stuff.. Don't take things personally. It's part of being a strong person. Believe in your self and don't care what other people say or think. This is hard to over emphasize. This can be close to ignoring something you might want, or actually just telling someone there is something you want (maybe them?). The trick is to never be false. If you aren't ready to ask for something you want because you are afraid of not getting it, don't ask. Ignore it and let it come to you and spend the time you would have spent obsessing over it doing something productive for yourself.

Example 4; Talk yourself down and others up. This is akin to being modes about yourself, and flattering others (always with honesty, never say something you don't believe and never write anything down you wouldn't want your mother to read).

AND NOW the next level... Beyond the reaching of Anti-Game sits Unwantable.

Unwantable is the pinnacle of being honest. It is where you are so honest with yourself that you don't care about hiding any of it. Show it off. Show the world who you are because it doesn't matter one whit what they think. One of my favorite examples of this comes from my own experience.
I love the smell of lavender. It is my favorite smell. Many people in our culture and others think that smelling like lavender is feminine and ridiculous for a man. Well I don't care. I was given a bottle of lavender essential oil. Sometimes I put it on like cologne and go out. Women smell it on me, and it's like nails to a magnet. A really really strong magnate that shocks the nails out of their comfort zone and into a brand new bigger and better comfort zone.

Most men are not comfortable enough with their masculinity to do this. That's ok. I am. And when people realize this it is profound. Go ahead. Be yourself. Be Unwantable, and the world will be yours.

PS Please use this information for good only. If you do not you will die and be unhappy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, dude...

Don't forget about "Anti-Anti-Game."

We've discussed this before and it's proven to be usefull on occasion. This, of course, entails demonstrating, either thru words or actions, exactly why a woman should have nothing to do with you. The objective being to cause the woman to pity you so much she takes an interest.

Example: Pulling an entire bookshelf down on top of yourself at a crowded house party in an attempt to reach a bottle of vodka placed cleverly at the top.

Here's to the game!