Thursday, December 01, 2005

Google questions

So I had a brilliant idea. What if (abbreviated w/i from now on) there was a forum where you could go to a google site, write the name of a person you wanted to ask a question of (presumably someone well known or famous that you wouldn't ordinarily be able to contact like the President or Emperor), and then write your question. Google would take all of it's brains and aggregate the questions based on key words and then deliver the questions to the addressed person in the form of a list with the most requested questions. The person could then "Respond to the People" in whatever from they wanted (maybe a Blog or a television address, or their own personal website).

Whaddya think world?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, there's two things that are close to that.

a) Google Answers:

b) Slashdot Interviews (very nerd-centric, but much like the process you're describing)

here's looking out,