Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Scary American tactics to sow discord

So i'm reading the news and I came acrosst this bit:

Canada shrugs at US warnings not to bash

to sumarize this text is copied from the linked article

"In a hard-hitting speech in Ottawa, U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins lamented what he called relentless and incessant criticism of his country, which he speculated might begin to sow doubt about the strength of the binational relationship."

Other countries are not allowed to speak their opinions any more? We can not critize? They can not critize without "sow[ing] doubt about the strength of the .. relationship?" That is crazy and it is against the ideas of free speech that our country holds most sacred! Who is this ambassador and why hasn't he been fired yet! Insulting our neighbors in such a childish and paltry way offends me. We should praise them for speaking their minds and for being HONEST!!!!

DAMN! I CAN'T believe what has happend to our country and this administration is at the roof of all of it.


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