Monday, December 26, 2005

The Two Nows

One is the NOW that is happening simultaneously everywhere all at once. As in right here, right now where you are reading this, and simultaneously right now across the world, across the solar system, across the entire universe, the same now. The second NOW is the now of limits of information. The NOW that looks like fresh sunlight to you streaming from the sun to your eyeballs. In reality that light is minutes old. It is the NOW that is perception to you. If someone sent a message from the moon that the sun has set on the moon and you are hearing it, the sun actually set seconds before you received that message, but to you and the universe the limits of information transfer are for now the speed of light and nothing else. Since that is a set speed limit there is an appreciated NOW that is what we perceive, and not what is really happening. I ask you, which is more important to you, and which do you use?

I thought so.

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