Monday, October 31, 2005

Mt. Hood List

So the smart people at Mt. Hood put together a "craigslit" type page (their words) to allow people to post and read postings regarding the entire mountain, gear, tickets, and most important to me now, transportation!

here's the link:

  • Mt. Hood List

  • Check out Rider Board and you'll see the thread I started about organizing people in an anarachtic fashion to take the max to the last stop and then catch a ride with someone who has room! This will offset the drivers gas costs (people would chip in for gas at a standard rate) and allow people without cars to get to the mountain. Subverting the system through the system. A whole new system.

    My favorite kind of system... self subverting. I LOVE SNOWBOARDING! It's almost time too!!! Yippee!!!

    Wednesday, October 26, 2005

    Battleground Iraq: The crusades continue

    I just realized the possibility that W began this war in Iraq not to fight Saddam Hussein, or even as i have suspected for years, to secure his oil supply and keep the money pouring into his and his cronies pockets, but to create a battle ground to fight the Islamic nation, and the extremists. Just a thought, but the imagery we get coming back suggests this may be the only truth I can truly know, because it is my own.

    Monday, October 24, 2005

    The results are in... I'm famous

    I took the "Which SciFi Character are you?" challenge and it turns out I'm the man. My favorite SciFi character of honor. Well... it could have been Han Solo, which would have suited my fancy better, but in reality, I'm a Jean Luc

    Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

    Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    Two of my favorite charicatures

    The Claw and the Scimitar from left to right
    This is text but it cannot possibly convey as much as this picture:

    Wednesday, October 05, 2005

    First email blog attempt

    So this is just a test, but it’s very important to me because I am a dork.  A super dork.  I drive the Dork mobiel and I call it the Space Pod.  I would like to go to the moon.

    Eli Green
    LEED-accredited professional

    Intelligent Strategies for Sustainability

    Tuesday, October 04, 2005

    Meditation 1 from the prayer book

    Just as the hand, held before the eye, can hide the tallest mountain, so the routine of everyday life can keep us from seeing the vast radiance and the secret wonders that fill the world.
    -Chasidic, 18th Century

    A sweet year to you

    Today is the new year if you are old school and old testament like me. But more importantly this holiday marks the return of the year. Each year on Rosh Hashana the chestunuts begin droppping. They lay on the ground as a visceral sign of the seasons turning and my life extending. I hate to miss that symbol of the year. I think the sound of the shofar is similar in it's effect. The live reverberance of the horn and music echoing in the temple and resonating in my body and spirit, exposed for the duration of ceremony. Truly a moment I cherish.

    Shna Tova my friends,
