Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Become a Conscious Warrior - Today.

An incredible person, friend, human being, athlete and thinker has published an incredible book; The Conscious Warrior's Manual. The author Ben Musholt is a physical therapist and good friend. I recommend this book to anyone seeking inspiration, ideas, or invigoration in their life. It is an easy read, entertaining and challenging. Ben addresses your personal health, the health of our civilizations, mental, spiritual, and global health in a scintillating convalescence of right mindedness and simple truths.

I just can't say enough about this book or the author, so figure it out for your self and click on the link to the right that I added to my template, or on the link above. You can buy this book online direct from the publisher (and as a one off, direct sale, this is one of the least environmentally taxing methods of book distribution possible). Enjoy the read and your future good health.

The Greenstigator

Monday, January 22, 2007

Damn it Chavez... why?

I've been a pro-leftist for years and I think I will always be, and then there are days. I understand the anti-Imperialist stance of nations, and I understand the use of that position pollitically. I also believe that many leaders use this catch phrase as a means to another end, a pollitical scapegoat or catch-all, that can be used to justify any action against an Imperial nation. And also, please remember that Americans in general are NOT Imperialists, just the one's that Republicans like to elect.

For instance, Chavez of Venezuela is a very left leader and I have supported his desire to set the course of Venezuela without the heavy handed influence of the US. That is their right as a country. And I understand many of the viewpoints in the Middle East that want the US out of their affairs as well.. some for very reasonable and righteous reasons, and some for political and often aggressive purposes. I think the conflict that is arising (politically, NOT militarily) with Iran is being argued on these levels. But that this is sometimes used as afalse front as an attempt to use a valid argument to further a dangerous, and possibly catastrophic, plan of action.

Recently the president of Iran met with Chavez and they spoke out together against the US imperialists. Understandable when coming from Chavez, who has felt directly the covert operations of the US secret service, and not so secret services. However this is not as reasonable when coming from someone who touts freedom with one lip and hatred with the other! Ahmadinejad is an outspoken anti-Semite who is actively pushing for the destruction of Israel and all Jews. Is this the kind of ally anyone should be making (anyone who is not a racist I mean)? Chavez has his hands full diplomatically with the US and the UK and probably the EU to a lesser degree, so why would he lend his support to someone with even worse relations?

"My enemies enemy is my friend" as the adage goes... a philosophy that speaks volumes about this strategy, and ultimately a strategy that works in wartime but not in times of peace. And that is what this is all about. Peace. Chavez, I want peace between all nations, and between Venezuela and the US is a good place to start. There are many people here in the US who support your efforts towards equality and freedom, and this is HURTING your cause, and mine.

I hope that this sentiment reaches your ears or eyes and you can review your choices to work with this man whom I believe is touting dangerous and hateful positions. Please do not facilitate this further degradation of your position or of the attempts to find peace between all peoples and all religions.

Ahmadinejad is a dangerous man and not someone to ally with until he changes is stance.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Donate to this:

I found this article on Rawstory, and it links to this site called EDGE. EDGE stands for Evolutionarily Distinct & Globally Endangered... yea, stick with the acronym guys. I think it is amazing, and maybe you do too? Look at the creatures on this site and realize the value of diversity. I was shocked to learn that the blue whale, on of the great giant mammals of the world is on this list, and is critically endangered. Can you donate too? I just did.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Greener than thou

Has anyone else noticed how sustainability is showing up everywhere now? And the long term greenies are getting a bit anxious... because their once strong and secure position in a field ignored by big business is becoming eroded... and this is exactly what they have been fighting for!

It's a double edged sword with a poison handle. So recognition is due and I'm not the one to do it. But others will. And even more will co-opt this incredibly enlightened position and take the money and the power that comes with being involved with a trend of this magnitude. For instance, GE just 'released' an electric car!!!! The Chevy Volt. CRAP! A press release so full of lies it is unconciousable to consider this a step forward. GE has been doing EVERYTHING in their power to hinder the advances in the electric car industry. If you want more proof see "Who Killed the Electric Car" because it's incredible just how low these people are, and sad how they have an open door into the wonderful field that has been sown by so many brave, sacrificing individuals.

But we are a community, and we are strong and it is not the time to be guided by fear.

Innovation knows no bounds so let us move forward again.