Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Become a Conscious Warrior - Today.

An incredible person, friend, human being, athlete and thinker has published an incredible book; The Conscious Warrior's Manual. The author Ben Musholt is a physical therapist and good friend. I recommend this book to anyone seeking inspiration, ideas, or invigoration in their life. It is an easy read, entertaining and challenging. Ben addresses your personal health, the health of our civilizations, mental, spiritual, and global health in a scintillating convalescence of right mindedness and simple truths.

I just can't say enough about this book or the author, so figure it out for your self and click on the link to the right that I added to my template, or on the link above. You can buy this book online direct from the publisher (and as a one off, direct sale, this is one of the least environmentally taxing methods of book distribution possible). Enjoy the read and your future good health.

The Greenstigator

1 comment:

Trav.is said...

Couldn't agree more! About both the book and the author.

Here's the post I wrote mentioning the book, but you say it all much better in your post.

Damn! You always say it better.