Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Donate to this:

I found this article on Rawstory, and it links to this site called EDGE. EDGE stands for Evolutionarily Distinct & Globally Endangered... yea, stick with the acronym guys. I think it is amazing, and maybe you do too? Look at the creatures on this site and realize the value of diversity. I was shocked to learn that the blue whale, on of the great giant mammals of the world is on this list, and is critically endangered. Can you donate too? I just did.


Trav.is said...

Did you know that the blue whale is the largest animal to ever live on earth?

In terms of total mass, the blue whale is larger than any other animal, including prehistoric giants like the ultrasaurus and seismisaurus... and it's still alive and observable today.

It'd be a shame if our great grandchildren couldn't say the same thing about it 50 years from now.

Trav.is said...


After some quick research it turns out the largest of all creatures is actually E's sperm whale.

Sorry for the confusion...