Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Anti Semites are bad

So I was out last night celebrating my purchase of a ticket to south America with my friends. We ended up at the Boiler room, one of my usual karoke spots. It was open mic night for comedians. We came from the Low Brow where we satisfied our need for an American specialty known as the white trash special (a miller and a shot of old crow). Needless to say we were well juiced and ready for more action. Jojo and I arrived at the Boiler Room and sat down with our buddies who will remain nameless to protect the innocent. We enjoyed a comic. Very self deprecating, and very funny. Then the next guy came one. His first joke was outright Anti Semitic. The boiler room. So, naturally Jojo stands up and TAKES THE MIC from the guy. It was awesome. He had no idea what to do. She started asking why he was making such jokes and he had no answer. It was awesome. Then he called her a c*nt and a b*tch. So I got up. I grabbed the mic he had taken back from Jojo and started talking into it. It took the DJ to put on music and cut off my mic before I let go of it. By that time Jojo had gotten into talking with the joker and his buddies. I went over and joined them. They were some of the most spineless dweebs I have ever talked to. It was almost no fun showing them and the rest of the bar how stupid they were, partly because it was so easy, and partly because they sucked so much to be around. Eventually someone got slapped and everything got crazy, but bottom line, we ended up safe and sound and a bit grittier for one reason: standing up for what you believe in is gritty business. But someone's gotta do it.

1 comment:

rath said...

eli, you and jojo are super heroes--capoeira playin', fancy dressin', dignity defendin' heroes! can't wait to see you both!!!
