Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Republicans Vs. Democrats

In this article I found on Raw Story Congressman Harry Reid (D-NV) says 

"Democrats must stay on the offensive against scandal-ridden, Republican-run Washington," Reid added. "Together, we must clearly and effectively communicate to the American people that it is the culture of corruption created by Republicans in Washington that is standing in the way of action on their priorities."

Democrats on the offensive against Republicans.  Do you know what this gets you?  Politics.  Not Government.  I do believe that the majority of Republicans are corrupt, and that they are in general more corrupt than Democrats, but when they fight each other, it does not solve anything.  What we need are for Democrats to continue to do what Harry Reid has done and CHANGE the way Washington (doesn't) work[s].  Leadership and vision, change and renewal.  Not Offense and Defense.  Not Accuse and Protest.  Leadership by example.  That is the only way.

Please,  all members of our Government, follow in the examples of those before you who put aside personal ambition and led this great country honorably, and help us all find hope.

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