Wednesday, February 13, 2008

iPhone I luv you

So, I waited a year. And then I pounced. About a week and a half ago Apple introudced the 16gb iPhone to it's lineup and I decided the wait was over. So I went to the Apple Store in Pioneer Place and inquired about this new device. They didn't have any! But the knowledgeable employee told me that the AT&T store across the street had plenty. So off I went and lo and behold they had them in stock. After a moment's prependerence I decided to take the plunge.

During my purchase I asked a few questions and this is where the heart of the matter resides. I am a T-Mobile customer, still on contract, and very happy with their service. Especially their Customer Service. So my inquiries were pointed regarding using the iPhone w/out service (impossible so don't even try) and having AT&T buy me out of my contract with T-MO. No can do.

So I bought it anyway. And I banked on the rumors I have heard that I will be able to unlock the iPhone at a later date. It sat in my drawer at work for a week before I even took it out to show my co-worker. I signed up for Google alerts for the term "iphone unlock" and started reading the forums. I found a ton of very useful and confusing material. I was beginning to think about either giving it a go on my own, to unlock this expensive and totally foreign (to me) device or returning the iphone and waiting to see how the unlocks for the new firmware would be.

Then my very smart co-worker suggested hiring someone who knew wtf they were doing to do the unlock. My first search "iphone unlock Portland" hit on a Craigslist ad for just that service for $40. Turns out it is this guy, Adam Baker.

But how do you trust someone off of Craigslist with your $500 iPhone? And what, am I supposed to leave it with him and just walk away? Am I to show up at some random place and step out of the car with said device just hoping I'm not about to get mugged? This is one of the dilemmas of our modern world. And here's how I propose you go about it. Find a trustworthy source that will recommend a service. does this for your more traditional services, but this is a one off wacky sorta deal. So here's my solution for you. Trust me.

I've had this blog for over 3 years, and I am writing to tell you that if you live in Portland, and want an unlocked iPhone, go buy one and then pay Adam $40 to unlock it. And keep his address handy for any updates or whatever you need because he is a trustworthy, efficient, and friendly guy who just made my iPhone work. You can wait there, at his house, while he unlocks your phone and he can explain all the ins and outs of what you can expect and do with your new unlocked iphone (which is just about everything an iphone is capable of, minus visual voice mail which is AT&T specific). He also hooked me up with some awesome knowledge to get me online and surfing as fast as possible.

Now that it's over and done with it seems like a no brainer, but I'll tell you what, I was worried that first moment getting out of my car. But it's good to know now that I have a safe and trustwor

1 comment: said...

You and your fancy phones, man!

I remember your Palm Pilot phone of times past... complete with the Palma Sutra... oh, yes... the Palma Sutra.

Lemme know when you get this new one updated with the iSutra.
