Friday, November 02, 2007

The beginning...

I am a serial optimist.  It is my mode of thought, and a way of life.  I will always be so, and I will always fight to thrive.  It is the nature of people to fight for survival, and this is what brings me to my point.  A town in Tennessee has run out of water.  They are making do, but the sheriff makes a great point at the end of the article: what happens when a town of 145 people runs of water is very different than when a city of 4.5 million people runs out of water.  It will be a riot, a fight for survival, a glimpse of what can happen if we find ourselves on a world out of balance.  We cannot rely on the good will of people to do make the transition smoothly, we must avoid that transition.  Incremental change is our only option.  Change now, from a centralized source, for the good of the people.  Because people have shown over and over that we cannot do it on our own.  That is not how survival works.  It is an every person for themselves mentality.  This is not the best way to survive!  We know that!  Yet fight or flight is not about knowing, it is about doing.  And what we do when the oceans rise, and the fresh water disappears will mark this era in human evolution more than anything we have ever done in the past.
Get ready.  The change is coming.

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