Friday, February 10, 2006

America; Growing less and less free

I am forced to ask myself "What is Freedom (to me)?" due to recent events, and to the current state of affairs in our country. This article says it all. South Dakota has passed a bill that will cause a legal chain of events that can lead to the Supreme Court and an overturning of Row vs. Wade. It is happening right now. Are you angry? I am. I think it's time to show it.

Organize. Speak with your friends. Get angry and get active. If you believe in this country as I do then you must believe in speaking up for your self. For your rights. No Man will make this change as powerfully as a woman can. That is a simple fact. It is woman's bodies that are being violated just as much as their rights. The right to make a choice about YOUR OWN life is what is at stake here. The life of a being growing inside you is up to you. That's that. Just as I would eliminate an unwanted parasite in my intestines, I have the right to choose to choose about what grows and what doesn't grow inside my own body.

I know this view is unpopular with many people who thing god has given them the right to decide what is right for others and that does not alter my view nor my choice to write about it.

God help us, for America is fading before my eyes, and she is my country, and I love her. It is time for us to save her. And God is my ally.

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