Monday, June 23, 2008

Michael Pollan gets it right (again and again...)

Check out this article he wrote. Yes, I know, it means reading. So hard for so many of us, but utterly worth it.

It made me think of two things immediately.

First is a new blog or photo pool online or something entitled "Thins I will miss when they are gone for good" featuring all the photos people want to include of the things that face extinction with the coming climate change. Birds, trees, nature, your house, an island, forests in California, the Amazon, maybe your cushy lifestyle, whatever! Look for it soon... maybe it already exists. I'll find out.

Second is a garden I am going to plant. In my FRONT YARD. With a sign explaining why, which you will already understand if you read the article. Read it. Seriously.

Peace, Love and ^5s (that's high fives for you not in the know yet (which is everyone but me and Theresa so far))

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