Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bolivia and UN Law

I just read an article that gives me pause.  It's about Coca, the plant that America turned into Cocaine.  Because Western Culture has a problem with drugs and drug abuse, and thusly transformed the Coca plant into Cocaine, Western governments in association with the UN have decided that Coca must be eradicated.  As with most problem the best way to eliminate a problem is be eliminating the source (plant) right?  Wrong.  The real problem is cultural and is Western culture's problems with drug abuse.  The real root of the problem is the sociological foundation of drug abuse and the cultural mores that cause it to be allowed.  Not a plant.  I ask you is Corn responsible for our American obesity?  Should we eradicate Corn because it has become the leading cause of death in America?  Heart disease from ill health, often compounded by obesity, and oh yes, smoking, so we must eradicate the species Tobacco as well. 
This is LUNACY.  But back to the article...  here's a quote that really got my goat:
    "A 1961 UN treaty stipulates governments must gradually eliminate coca chewing and other traditional uses of the leaf as well as attempt to eradicate the plant."
Note that it says nothing about processing, smuggling, and distributing cocaine.  And who wrote that treaty?  Were the indigenous peoples of South America participants?  NO!  During the time when this treaty was written the governments of South America were still entirely run by the colonial powers that had usurped control of these lands.  Since then through democratic struggles and mighty efforts the People of South America have elected new leaders that represent the native ideas, cultures, and traditions of their land.  And Coca, as a plant, is part of that.  Condemning Coca because of our abuse and misuse of that plant is akin to throwing the baby out with the bath water.  This makes no sense.  Coca leaf is a part of their culture in every way.  And it is not a sinister device that hooks users and addicts innocents.  There is no way for me to convince you of this if your mind is already made up, but I urge you to think about the logic of mandating that Coca be eradicated by our abuse, and one possible misuse of this plant.
Perhaps another example?  Did you know that apple seeds contain trace amounts of Cyanide?  Process enough and you have a deadly poison that can be used to kill!  So we should stop growing and selling apples.  And Tobacco kills thousands each year! 
I declare that the UN law that demands Coca be eradicated be examined and re-written with the input of the people, not the colonial governments that subjugated the natives of these lands for countless generations.
To add another quote from the article just to show the bullheaded idiodicy of buracracy:
    "Nobody doubts the medical value of coca, heroin or cocaine, just as nobody denies their illegality under the 1961 convention,'' Philip Emafo, the Nigerian president of the INCB, said in a telephone interview from Vienna. ``If the provisions of the convention are being breached, the board in its wisdom, or lack of wisdom, is obligated to act.''
and in appreciation to the willingness of the author to show both sides I would like to include another quote:
    "Coca is as vital to the Andes as the Eucharist is to Catholics,'' said Davis, who is also a National Geographic Society explorer-in-residence. ``There's no evidence of toxicity or addiction in 4,000 years of use.''

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