Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The world as we know it is over

Apocalypse is upon is.  No.  just kidding.  It's close though, especially when you understand that word to mean the end of the world as we know it.  Which it is.  People's lives are valued over the survival of the ecosystem, speciation, and a healthy globe.  And with that almighty constant reigning supreme in the equation we are unable to reach a balance.  Actually the word equation denotes equality, as both sides of the equals sign must be equal (that's why it's called an equals sign).  So when news like this reaches my brain I know that our growth means conflict and death for all other species.  Including our own.  We will evolve, we will struggle, and we might make it.  I give us 1/20 odds.  Not good.  But not altogether bad.  Problem is, we don't know how much we need every other species out there, or if there is a threshold where we have killed too many off.  Only one way to find out, right?  Cross the threshold, then we'll know.  And WE WILL ALL BE DEAD.  That is why we must be progressive, why we cannot wait!  Why we must start doing something NOW!  It's called being progressive and I know that scares the crap out of Republicans and Conservatives (and many Democrats and Liberals as well) but it's our only choice.... or Goodbye. 
So, knowing the track record of humanity.  This is an early goodbye.  I've loved you world, and I won't give up, but it's not going to last forever at this rate.  You don't give up either ok?  We can solve this.  Just don't hold your breath.

1 comment:

Trav.is said...


You are one of the most optimistic people I know. You have great faith that most things will work out and that things happen for a reason. You have repeated your positive mantra to me over and over in the 6 years I've known you - and you've criticized me for my pesimism.

So why are you so pessimistic about humanity's ability to overcome the issue you cite here? Why is losing 40 destructive elephants out of a population of 6,000 so dire?

You give us only a 0.5% chance? Really? What about all the other "doomsday crises" we've survived?