Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Fascist State

If you doubt in the slightest that we have not crossed the border between democracy and Fascism read this article and watch all three videos, each is short, and all are equally revolting, and all three are of the same thing.  This is not a joke, or a farce, this is recent news; an event that is a sad sad commentary on the state of our rights as Americans.  I hope this event turns into a lawsuit that goes on to affect the rights of police in action, severely limiting their protection in cases of civil rights violations.  That is what this is about.  Race, gender, orientation, religion - are not factors in civil rights violations.  These police offices need to be dismissed and prosecuted for brutally attacking an unarmed civilian acting within their rights.
But beyond this event, and the irreparable damage done to this individual, our nation, and the international view of this country what does this mean to you?  How will you feel next time you want to speak up to express your rights?  Or ask a question?  Or disagree with an authority figure?  Aren't these our rights?  Isn't that the FOUNDATION of this democracy?  I say it is too late already.  And we hover in the no man's land between capitulation and revolution.  Bloody and violent.  Sad and worse - a clear sign that this great experiment has failed, and despite the best efforts of millions we have been unable to create a safe, just, and reasonable society that can peacefully defend individual rights, and national values.
I know where I stand, and I can be but one thing; the change I desire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This eyewitness account at Dailykos may dispell your fears about the state of our State. The whole silly episode confirms that ranting and raving gets you national media attention and may get you tased. I am not sure that it adds much to the national discourse.