Monday, August 13, 2007

Despicable, corporate belligerency

In this article, Johnson & Johnson is revealed as the corporation they are, with one single thing on their minds: money.  They are suing the Red Cross for using the logo of a red cross.  And yet, like so many typical corporate mindsets, they are ultimately decreasing their profitability.  By following the law that was set up (and citied in the article above) to allow J & J to share with the Red Cross the logo they have in common more people are exposed to the corporate image, creating better product recognition!  What a shame.  And for a for-profit corporation to sue a humanitarian organization at all is just nasty and revealing.  I just can't believe someone thought this was a good idea.  I am now boycotting Johnson & Johnson.
Join me in expressing your disgust by boycotting their products as well.

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