Monday, July 23, 2007

Portland: Greener and greener

Check out this page listing the top 15 Greenest Cities in the world, and please, notice if you will number 2.

Keep it up homies, and know I'm doing my best too, and if anyone out there has any questions on how they can do better, feel free to ask away. I may not have the answers you are looking for, but I might have the resources you can use to figure it out.

1 comment: said...

Maybe you can explain something for me. does not cite any sources for the list nor does it, if it is their own list, mention any methodology.

But I noticed that almost all the cities listed are enormous metro areas with populations beginning at around 2 million people.

Cities are, as far as I know, the biggest consumers of energy and resources (food, raw materials, etc) while being the biggest producers of waste (human bio waste, garbage, smog, etc.) and sprawl.

How does that jive with being considered green? Is it per capita? Is it total city budgetary expenditure on green endeavors?