Tuesday, June 13, 2006


What´s the purpose of technology? Is it to make our lives better, easire, more complex? Answer for yourself, that´s the purpose. It´s many things good and bad. So consider this article about some big new wind farms ready to go in (lot´s of projects, and kw and dollars) and a military study about windmills effect on radar. It´s sort of blankent ban the energy speculators claim and some say politically motivated. Makes sense in a way, we´re fighting a war over oil now, so it doesn´t really make much sense to subert the price and competition for oil.

But let´s forget about all the politics for a moment and consider the effect on the landscape. Imagine open prarie or rolling hills, rivers, forests. Covered in windmills. Can we still consider this open space? How will the presence of such devices affect our perception of nature?

Wind energy is one of the most abundant and clean energy sources we know of. The materials needed to construct a windmill are not exceptional. The resource they are drawing from is (seemingly) immense and even infinte, well wind speeds are picking up!

How will windmills effect habitit if expanded to a great range? Perhaps this is our best solution, the landscape peppered with giant peacful giants, and energy aplenty, but I don´t think any solution that takes on the present demand is efficient or sustainably, and reducing demand is always the best solution.

And I think i´d rather have a windmill in my backyard than a nuclear plant over the hill.

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