Sunday, September 25, 2005

This is my first Blog

Beliefs are rigid, dead and frozen fish. If they ever did swim with life it was in the mind of the original innovator, who knew it. It was truth for him, without doubt or blief.
Truth is always individual, anyone else's truth is worthless. Truth is a non-transferable ticket which only bears one name.

want is a word i use to fool myself into giving into my fears. love is somthing you must share or it is not love but frustration. water is a evidence of universe. to water there is only flow and water lies low, always seeking the path of least resistance. even when contained the water knows not of it's containment. to the water in a glass on a table there is only glass only confine of the shape of glass and gravity. my illness is a belief and agreement that is up to me only.

78.5% of statistics are made up on the spot... thank you Becca

Peace to you and the world

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