Thursday, September 28, 2006

Our Allies to the South

Have you seen in the news lately headlines like "Our Enemies to the South" or "Chavez Sowing Discord - Danger"?

I have. And I am enraged by the inaptitude and arrogance of our government and it's position towards South America, and more to the point, South American Democracies. Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Lula, etc... all democratically elected leaders, all by a larger voter turn out than our "flagship" democracy can boast. It is absurd. These countries have every right to use their assets and resources strategically, the same as us. And to claim that they do not, that their actions are subverting our positions shows us even more clearly how weak we are as a country. To call them enemies because they choose to do what they will with their resources in a non-violent and non-aggressive way is utterly preposterous. It makes us look weak, it makes us look petty, and it makes us look down right stupid. Which I believe our government either is, or is actively trying to achieve the image of. End results - same.

So, I have a proposal. Treat these incredible nations, and even more friendly and wonderful people that make these nations as equals. Treat them as WE would like to be treated. Does this ring a bell anywhere? It's called the golden rule and is a central tenant of nearly every faith known. George W. Bush claims to be a Christian, but by his actions he is anything but. South America could be an amazing ally, of free, democratic, people. The kind of people we crave to be once again. Let us support them in this quest, instead of hinder them.

Our name calling has a grave effect. It de-humanizes the people of these nations, and will forever sully our name and reputation among these people. If we spent the same money we use demonizing them to help them the international situation would be one of hope, and mutual trust and respect. Instead it is a situation of anger. Of name calling, of humiliation, of de-huminizing terror. And we are the terrorists.

Is this your vision of our country? Is this your vision of the world? Of Christianity? Of hope?